Reading Time: < 1 minuteSpring? What’s that? Already feels like mid-July in the Ohio Valley (it’s only May). That cancerous ball of radiation is already making its presence felt as a sweltering string of 90° days have blistered the area.

9.22.18 – 9:54pm EDT
Spring? What’s that? Already feels like mid-July in the Ohio Valley (it’s only May). That cancerous ball of radiation is already making its presence felt as a sweltering string of 90° days have blistered the area. Anyone hoping for a nice, mild spring with temps in the 60s and 70s got laughed out of the conversation weeks ago. Sad thing is, summer is technically still over a month away at the time of this publication. Sigh.
Mother Nature isn’t the only one looking ahead. She brought summer early. Good for her. All the more reason to get the Countdown to the Autumnal Equinox started now rather than later. Fret not, cool-weather friends. Good times are ahead; for you, for me, and especially this guy…