NES Jason Nike Shoes by BullAirs!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteCheck out these retro, 8-bit NES Jason custom Nike shoes! Crafted by BullAirs, these throwback kicks sport that all-too-familiar nostalgic color-scheme from the infamous Friday the 13th NES game, complete with resin hockey mask lace guards! Total nerdgasm!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Check out these retro, 8-bit NES Jason custom Nike shoes! Crafted by BullAirs, these throwback kicks sport that all-too-familiar nostalgic color-scheme from the infamous Friday the 13th NES game, complete with resin hockey mask lace guards! Total nerdgasm!


Let’s Play Super Punch-Out!!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA full, no-damage playthrough of the SNES classic “Super Punch-Out!!” featuring commentary and game trivia in 4K/60fps.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


A full, no-damage playthrough of the SNES classic “Super Punch-Out!!” featuring commentary and game trivia in 4K/60fps. While laid up with an injury, laying around doing nothing was driving me crazy, so I hammered out a video. ‘Hope you all enjoy. 🍻


Sims 4 Mod – Texas Chain Saw Massacre With Classic Sims TV Audio

Reading Time: 3 minutesClassic Horror TV from the original Sims game is back with this Texas Chain Saw Massacre movie mod for Sims 4! Free download!

Reading Time: 3 minutes



For you old school Sims fans, here’s a mod for Sims 4 using classic audio from the original game released in 2000. Remember those cheesy yet bizarrely hilarious sounds you’d hear when one of your Sims would turn the TV on? They had a certain generic charm to them in spite of being ridiculously over-the-top and cartoony. Several of them were permanently burned into my memory and have lingered about in my subconscious for the better part of 20+ years, especially the ones from the horror channel. I made a little movie mod for The Sims 4 that appropriately replaces “Moonlight Massacre III” and instead treats your Sims to visuals from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre whilst endearing your ears to the sweet sounds of hokey Sims nostalgia. I also stupidly threw in a custom “commercial” that airs about midway through and uses that classic audio as well, if for no other reason than this is what I spend my free time doing when I’m supposed to be taking a break from production.
Read more “Sims 4 Mod – Texas Chain Saw Massacre With Classic Sims TV Audio”

Super Castlevania IV [SNES] [PLAYTHROUGH] [4K]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMini-Doc and full playthrough with commentary of Super Castlevania IV for the SNES. The swansong of series favorite Simon Belmont in his final outing in the starring role. Full 4K/60fps presentation.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Mini-Doc and full playthrough with commentary of Super Castlevania IV for the SNES. The swansong of series favorite Simon Belmont in his final outing in the starring role. Full 4K/60fps presentation.

‘Been looking forward to doing this follow-up to the classic NES trilogy. Fun, nostalgic way to close out ’22 and enter into the 15th year of the channel. 🥃



00:00 – Intro
01:05 – Game Intro
04:13 – Game Start
05:12 – Stage 01: Ruined Fortress
07:31 – Mr Ed Hed
08:45 – Stage 01 Boss: Rowdain
09:40 – Stage 02: Forest of Evil Spirits
10:28 – Simon’s Too Big?
12:36 – Stage 02 Boss: Medusa
13:18 – About Mode 7
14:17 – Stage 03: Ancient Ruins
14:33 – Simon Trevor?
15:44 – About Masahiro Ueno
22:24 – Stage 04: Outer Keep
22:27 – Castlevania IV on the Sega Genesis?
24:12 – Stage 04 Mini-Boss: Puweyxil
25:43 – Rotating Room
28:14 – Stage 04 Boss: Koranot
29:09 – Stage 05: Castle Court
31:41 – Stage 06: Halls
33:35 – SUPER Castlevania IV Title
34:27 – Hidden Room
35:31 – Cheesy Boss Names
40:52 – Stage 06 Boss: Paula Abghoul & Fred Askare
41:40 – Stage 07: Unliving Quarters
45:39 – Dracula’s Mother?
49:07 – Stage 07 Boss: Sir Grakul
49:55 – Stage 08: Dungeons
51:28 – Is The Game Too Easy?
53:50 – Password System
54:21 – Where Is Hitoshi Akamatsu?
55:54 – Stage 08 Boss: Frankenstein Monster
56:39 – Stage 09: Treasury
1:03:55 – Stage 09 Boss: Zapf Bat
1:05:33 – Stage A: Clock Tower
1:08:17 – Regional Differences
1:10:13 – Stage A Boss: Akmodan II (Mummy)
1:11:22 – Stage B: Castle Keep
1:14:45 – Stage B Mini-Boss: Slogra
1:16:07 – Stage B Mini-Boss: Gaibon
1:16:56 – Stage B Mini-Boss: Death
1:17:35 – DRACULA
1:20:20 – Game Ending
1:22:23 – LK Channel 15th Anniversary

TMNT Cereal Made Easy

Reading Time: < 1 minuteGot an itch for the old Ninja Turtles cereal from the 80s? You can re-create it today with very little effort!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Got an itch for the old Ninja Turtles cereal from the 80s? You can re-create it today with very little effort! Check out the video for a quick how-to and unlock some of that sweet nostalgia.


How to Get Private Lobby in Red Dead Online | RDR 2 PS4

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMARCH 2025 STILL WORKS! Private sessions in Red Dead Online! Enjoy the game with no griefer butt-stains!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Here’s a full breakdown of two methods to get a private session in Red Dead Online for PS4. Enjoy the game with no griefer butt-stains!

UPDATE MARCH 2025 – STILL WORKS: Both methods still work. With the poker method; it looks like Rockstar might’ve adjusted the way Player B’s “processing invite” behaves after they accept the poker invite. Player A should try waiting 3-4 seconds after Player B first sees “processing invite” on their screen before hitting “join game”. I did this and got the usual “you are already a member of this session” message, and Player B got dropped into a private match per usual. Hitting “join game” immediately when Player B sees “processing invite” now seems to be leading to an error for both players. Giving it a few seconds is working well. 😎


Countdown to Autumn Equinox 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe Countdown is on. There’s x amount of days till the Equinox sets us Fall-lovers free. Till then… may your summer days be short, merciful, and mostly spent relaxing in the confines of A/C goodness. I know I’ll be!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

UPDATE 9.22.2021 — HAPPY AUTUMN!!!!!

9.22.21 – 3:20pm EDT

Misery Mire. That was the first two words that came to mind as I sit here on a 100° day in June. June 13, mind you. It isn’t officially even summer yet. One more week before those festivities begin. It was by total happenstance I started my annual Countdown to Autumn Equinox with exactly 100 days remaining till that wonderful event.

I’m not sure why Misery Mire exactly. I had to look it up to make sure I was remembering it correctly. It’s a Dark World dungeon in (my opinion) the best Legend of Zelda game ever made; A Link to the Past. I suppose since the Mire is located in a swamp-like area, and swamps are often riddled with high temps/humidity, my psyche made an instant connection when experiencing the climate conditions on this nasty, hazy pre-summer day.

Anyway, you know the drill. The Countdown is on. There’s x amount of days till the Equinox sets us Fall-lovers free. Till then… may your summer days be short, merciful, and mostly spent relaxing in the confines of A/C goodness. I know I’ll be! 🥶😁

ORM Belts | HD WWF Winged Eagle Unboxing

Reading Time: < 1 minuteOutstanding HD WWF Winged Eagle title belt by ORM Belts! Full unboxing and review.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

After an 18-month wait, the search for a real WWF Winged Eagle title belt has finally come to an end. Video covers the unboxing and review of the work done by ORM Belts/Leathers. Had a lot of fun with this one!




How to Get DLC in WWE All Stars | PS3

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA work-around has been found to get the no-longer-available DLC wrestlers in WWE All Stars for the PS3. Follow the guide to unlock all 13 characters.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

A work-around has been found to get the no-longer-available DLC wrestlers in WWE All Stars for the PS3. Follow the guide to unlock all 13 characters.

The 80029780 error appears to have been resolved. I tested the method again and got the DLC to work using a Hong Kong account.

Moving forward… since there have been intermittent issues lately with the PSN HK servers; follow the method up to the point where you test to see if the DLC is showing up for you under the new HK account. If you see it, try to download the free Honky Tonk Man or free R-Truth add-ons. If they succeed and install, you’re fine to complete the method with the paid add-ons. If the free ones fail and you encounter an error code, STOP. Don’t get the HK$ funds from Play Asia. Check the free add-ons again in a few days to see if the issue goes away.