Reading Time: < 1 minuteFriday the 13th creator Sean Cunningham mercilessly dispels the long-speculated rumor that alleges he instructed Jason Goes to Hell director Adam Marcus to “do something about that damn hockey mask”

Friday the 13th creator Sean Cunningham mercilessly dispels the long-speculated rumor that alleges he instructed Jason Goes to Hell director Adam Marcus to “do something about that damn hockey mask”, which according to urban folklore, led to Jason Voorhees barely appearing in the film despite being the titular antagonist.
I attended The Scarefest convention in Lexington, KY earlier this month and asked the man himself. His answer leaves no room for doubt.
Hilarious Q & A panel btw, which you’ll see in the clip. This was one of the best ones I’ve ever been privileged to sit in on. A personal note of thanks to the staff at Scarefest. This was exactly how a Q & A panel should be conducted. From the opening greeting the host turned to the audience and took questions for the guests the entire time. I’ve seen it happen so many times where a host prattles on and on about nothing for 85% of the time before taking two or three questions out of a room filled with anxious fans before abruptly adjourning. Not so at Scarefest! What a fantastic panel. Thanks, Guys!