RCM Loader For Modded Nintendo Switch | Unboxing and Demo

Reading Time: < 1 minuteUnboxing the RCM Loader One by Xkit. Handy little device to inject payload into a modded Nintendo Switch to boot into custom firmware without the need of a PC or smartphone.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Unboxing the RCM Loader One by Xkit. Handy little device to inject payload into a modded Nintendo Switch to boot into custom firmware without the need of a PC or smartphone.

RCM LOADER ONE: https://tinyurl.com/rcmloaderone


GO HERE FIRST: https://ismyswitchpatched.com/

2ND STEP (if your Switch is UNPATCHED and you accept the risks, etc)


Fix Vehicle Handling [GTA V] [PC Mods]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteEASY! Sometimes installing your favorite car in GTA is a letdown if it isn’t fun to drive. You can easily clone the handling of any vehicle with this method.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Here’s a quick how-to on adjusting the way cars handle in GTA V for PC (modding). Sometimes installing your favorite car in GTA is a letdown if it isn’t fun to drive. You can easily clone the handling of any vehicle with this method.

Vehicle Handling.meta: https://tinyurl.com/vehiclehandlingmeta

GTA Wiki: https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page

Camaro mod used: https://tinyurl.com/camaromod

TMNT 1990 Baby Turtles Unboxing

Reading Time: < 1 minuteUnboxing the NECA baby turtles from the classic 1990 live-action TMNT movie. Cool set with detailed accessories.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Unboxing the NECA baby turtles from the classic 1990 live-action TMNT movie. These 1/4 scale figures are currently back in stock at Big Bad Toy Store.

Brief backstory on this video; in preparation for an upcoming Lasik procedure the following day, I hadn’t been able to wear contacts all week due to an astigmatism in one of my eyes. It was either wear glasses or shoot blind in this one. I thought it’d be fun to go with the latter. I can’t see sh*t in this vid! 😄


TMNT Cereal Made Easy

Reading Time: < 1 minuteGot an itch for the old Ninja Turtles cereal from the 80s? You can re-create it today with very little effort!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Got an itch for the old Ninja Turtles cereal from the 80s? You can re-create it today with very little effort! Check out the video for a quick how-to and unlock some of that sweet nostalgia.


Countdown to Autumn Equinox 2022

Reading Time: 2 minuteshere’s to another round of counting down the miserable inferno of summer, one painstaking day at a time. As always, the autumn equinox will set us free and officially begin the best time of the year. Till then… cheers to a nice, chilly solitude

Reading Time: 2 minutesAUTUMN EQUINOX 2022
9.22.22 – 9:03pm EDT


Let the Countdown begin!

Residents of the Ohio Valley are mere days away from the first 90° forecast of the year. I’m almost happy to say I’m mildly surprised it’s taken this long. Usually there’s a day or two in the month of April where the weather turns unseasonably hot and reaches the stratosphere of a mid-summer feel and serving as a foreboding warning of the impending outdoor meltdown that awaits the mid-south region of the U.S. That’s typically when I take to the web and commiserate with my little annual countdown. But, April was actually pretty pleasant for the most part with only a couple instances of low 80s. Though I knew not to get too confident about it, part of me wondered if such a nice spring month with no dog days could be a sign that this year just might deliver a mild summer for a change, despite the Farmer’s Almanac already predicting Scorching Summer For Most Of U.S./Canada. Sigh.
Read more “Countdown to Autumn Equinox 2022”

Michael Myers Halloween Kills Full Costume Unboxing

Reading Time: < 1 minuteI loved Michael’s look in Halloween Kills (much more than the 2018 film) and I knew right away this was my next costume project. Let’s have some fun!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


‘Got all the pieces I needed for this one. Though I wasn’t particularly crazy about the movie itself, I loved Michael’s look in Halloween Kills (much more than the 2018 film) and I knew right away this was my next costume project. Let’s have some fun!

🚨 See video description (on YouTube) for info/links on costume pieces. 🚨


Equipment Chronicles — Chasing Quality on YouTube

Reading Time: 16 minutesLiterally, we’d shoot on VHS. If I had four hours of raw video, it took four hours to feed it all into my editing machine, as I had to play it real-time while my hard drive recorded it (like a VCR).

Reading Time: 16 minutes


Perfection is a cruel mistress with an unforgiving chase. Quality is attainable company, and a much more rewarding investment.

I started this journey back in 2008. Well, technically I started it in ’07, but the fine folks at YouTube decided to delete my original channel back then because I posted a video of a boxer walking to the ring and asked if anyone knew the song he used for his entrance. Heh, yes. That was YouTube then. I reorganized in April 2008 under the name lordkayossrippro which was a portmanteau of sorts for the pseudonym Lord Kayoss and a “brand name” I made up on-the-fly called R.I.P. Productions. I never copyrighted it, though back then I probably told people I did. Luckily, YouTube ended up allowing us the ability to change our channel urls. It’s much easier to direct someone to youtube.com/lordkayoss.

Despite having been a video production hobbyist for years by that point, in 2008 I was still fairly new to digital editing, and producing videos using computer equipment was a craft I had much to learn about. Coming from the analog world of VHS tape and basic consumer-level hardware, I had a daunting task ahead of me in making the transition to digital. Fortunately, my desire to create was strong enough to will me through the frustrations brought on by the repetitive trial and error of self-teachings. For every fist-slam on the desk there was at least an educational seed planted that would marinate in my mind and inch me in the direction I wanted to go.

My first round of equipment in this process is something to behold 15 years later. I had all the inspiration in the world and the drive to put it to work, but lacked sufficient equipment to get within a mile of capturing what I’d see in my head on video with visual accuracy. I’d have these grandiose ideas and vivid pictures swirling in my mind, but by the time they passed through the degradation filters of a VHS camcorder and an obsolete computer running subpar editing software, the end result was often disappointing. Literally, we’d shoot on VHS. From poor lighting quality and horrible (NiCad) battery performance to the limited storage confines of VHS, the process was a total chore. Packing several extension cables in hopes of finding an exterior power outlet on outdoor shoots was not only necessary, but detrimental. In extreme cases I’d even resort to plugging into an inverter that was connected to my car battery. If we shot more than two hours of raw video we had to change out the tape and start a new one. When filming wrapped, if I had four hours of raw video, it took four hours to feed it all into my editing machine, as I had to play it real-time while my hard drive recorded it (like a VCR). That’s a ton of extra work for 480 resolution.


Read more “Equipment Chronicles — Chasing Quality on YouTube”

Cobra Kai NES Review and Playthrough [Karate Kid]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteCobra Kai for the NES! Play as Johnny Lawrence and battle Miyagi-Do led by arch-rival Daniel LaRusso in this 8-bit throwback mod for the old LJN Karate Kid game from 1987.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


This is Cobra Kai for the NES! Play as Johnny Lawrence and battle Miyagi-Do led by arch-rival Daniel LaRusso in this 8-bit throwback mod for the old LJN Karate Kid game from 1987. Harness Johnny’s badassery and beat the crap out of everyone who stands in your way! Review and full playthrough with commentary.

Mod by: pacnsacdave


Undertaker Sideshow PCS 1:4 Exclusive Statue | Unboxing and Review [WWE] [Summerslam 94]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteI absolutely love the purple gloves/spats and the new theme song that debuted that night. This statue is a fitting showpiece for that magical era of Taker’s legendary 30-year career. ‘Loved putting this video together!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


‘Reaching all the way back to my teenage years with this one! Unboxing the new Undertaker statue by Sideshow/PCS Collectibles. This is the Summerslam ’94 exclusive, which also happens to be my all-time favorite version of The Undertaker. I absolutely love the purple gloves/spats and the new theme song that debuted that night. This statue is a fitting showpiece for that magical era of Taker’s legendary 30-year career. ‘Loved putting this video together!


Tatkuink – The Review They Don’t Want You To See

Reading Time: 3 minutesFirst and foremost, this was the slowest shipping I’ve ever experienced in my life. 44 days from the time I ordered to when the product finally arrived at my doorstep. That’s over 6 weeks.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I recently attempted to post a review to Tatkuink after finally receiving my order after 44 days, only to find that they cherry-pick and approve only the most flattering feedback. I’ll share my story here for anyone looking for a real review versus the typical cheerleading designed to bait you into expecting a perfect product with a flawless experience.

Product review is for the Black Dragon Sword Fire Skull 3D Zippered Hoodie, which as of April 2024 appears to have been discontinued.



Read more “Tatkuink – The Review They Don’t Want You To See”