Reading Time: 2 minuteshere’s to another round of counting down the miserable inferno of summer, one painstaking day at a time. As always, the autumn equinox will set us free and officially begin the best time of the year. Till then… cheers to a nice, chilly solitude

9.22.22 – 9:03pm EDT
Let the Countdown begin!
Residents of the Ohio Valley are mere days away from the first 90° forecast of the year. I’m almost happy to say I’m mildly surprised it’s taken this long. Usually there’s a day or two in the month of April where the weather turns unseasonably hot and reaches the stratosphere of a mid-summer feel and serving as a foreboding warning of the impending outdoor meltdown that awaits the mid-south region of the U.S. That’s typically when I take to the web and commiserate with my little annual countdown. But, April was actually pretty pleasant for the most part with only a couple instances of low 80s. Though I knew not to get too confident about it, part of me wondered if such a nice spring month with no dog days could be a sign that this year just might deliver a mild summer for a change, despite the Farmer’s Almanac already predicting Scorching Summer For Most Of U.S./Canada. Sigh.
I think 2009 ruined me. I always remember that particular year having one of the most tolerable summers ever. And with part of me now wondering if I dreamt it, after looking it up just now it turns out ’09 was supposedly the 34th coolest summer on record since 1895. So, it did happen! I remember thinking around mid-July that year that something unusual was happening. I was able to be outside for longer than 10 minutes without feeling like I was about to pass out. Each year since then I’ve wished for a similar reprieve. Alas, that was nearly a decade ago. ‘Doesn’t look like any record lows are in store any time in the foreseeable future.
So, with that, here’s to another round of counting down the miserable inferno of summer, one painstaking day at a time. As always, the autumn equinox will set us free and officially begin the best time of the year. Till then… cheers to a nice, chilly solitude. I’ve had my A/C fully serviced and recharged and have a brand new backup window unit sitting comfy in its box, waiting on the sidelines ready to answer the call if need be.
Dare I say it?
Yes… I dare.
Bring it, Mother. I’m ready for ya. 😬