Reading Time: 3 minutesSo, I decided it was time to give the DINC another upgrade. It still has plenty of potential when one knows how to unlock it.

So, I decided it was time to give the DINC another upgrade. I still have nearly a year left on my current agreement with Verizon and the Incredible continues to serve me well. Verizon’s super 4G LTE network is still at least a good year away from being available in Louisville, if not longer (though recent unofficial reports claim it is being rolled out right now, stay tuned). Not much reason to run out and slap down $500+ for a full-price HTC Thunderbolt when there’s absolutely nothing to gain save for a slightly bigger screen. Besides, the ol’ DINC still has plenty of potential when one knows how to unlock it.
Can’t say enough about the good guys over at The man known only as ihtfp69 has done it again with his latest masterpiece, SkyRaider 4.0 (w/Sense). With version 4.1 already on the way, ihtfp69 takes Android 2.2 above and beyond it’s OTA limitations and blends in 3.0 (Gingerbread) elements to sweeten a near-perfect rom.
Just before I wiped and installed SkyRaider 4.0, I took the time to upgrade the DINC’s radio to the unofficial EVO version, I had read some things about it boosting download speeds and locking in on GPS locations instantly. I flashed it and yep, it’s pretty badass though I hear it varies by area. Next, I wiped and installed SR4. Then, I sweetened in a nifty blue theme, created by MicroMod777.
Next, I picked up the latest multi Touch Input keyboard by jonasl.
Lastly, I flashed the EVO cam, which is identical to the DINC’s except having a shutter button on-screen and an auto-focus that actually works. In short — I’ve virtually turned my Droid Incredible into a painted EVO, without the excessive battery drain.
Actually, the reason I haven’t jumped to Sprint for the EVO like many others is because A:) Sprint’s 4G service is also not in my area at this time, and B:) most importantly, Verizon’s 4G LTE will steamroll Sprint’s WiMax 4G when it rolls out. Say what you want about Verizon as a company, but their network is second to none (at least in my experience). I’ve had service with Sprint & AT&T in the past, purposely avoiding Verizon at the time. I finally made the jump after a combination of being fed up with Sprint’s network (calls dropping and text messages not going through for hours or not at all) and getting intrigued with the LG Voyager, a great phone in it’s day. Since then I’ve been a happy customer. Upgrading from the Voyager to the Droid Incredible last year was a quantum leap. And I’m happy the awesome devs at xda continue to cook up outstanding roms and move the DINC further toward it’s maximum capabilities. Sometime into 1st qtr of next year I’ll be back on the market for a new phone. Until then, thanks to xda, the DINC is still keepin’ right up with the competition.
If you own an Android phone and are interested in customizing, first off — do your research. There’s plenty of information on xda’s forum. Read and understand the processes before you begin. I have included several useful links below. As you’ll read on just about every page: hacking/modding is done at your risk. You can’t hold anyone else responsible if something goes wrong. But understand, the main reason for the disclaimer is because usually fail occurs when the user doesn’t follow directions properly. If you read and understand the processes, chances of bricking your phone are very, very slim.
If your phone is a DROID INCREDIBLE
3. SkyRaider 4.0 (w/Sense)
4. Blue Theme
5. Touch Input Keyboard
*Upgrading the radio*
*Installing the EVO cam*
Once you have SR4.0 installed, open up Rom Manager and go to Download ROM/Virtuous/Extra Goodies/Download/EVO Camera App
—> Droid Incredible – Hidden 4G Setting Analyzed < —
I had no idea skyraider 4 was out! I gotta get in on this. Great info once again man. thanks!
I installed SR4 a couple weeks ago. I didn’t know you could flash the EVO cam though. The on screen shutter is sweet.
I had a chance to go with a Droid Incredible a while back. I wish I would’ve gone that route instead of getting a Droid X. Ah well. I’m sure there’ll be a Droid Incredible 3 or 4 by the time I’m on the market again.
Great stuff. The keyboard I have been digging for a while. Thanks again for the nice write up!
Yea, I really dig that keyboard. Puts the default android version to shame.