Countdown to Autumn Equinox 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutesCounting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds to the Autumnal Equinox of 2023.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sep 23, 2023 2:49 AM (EST)

Nearly three weeks away from the official start of summer, and it’s already 92° in Louisville, KY, with Farmer’s Almanac predicting “oppressive, showery, thundery” summer. I almost got a tad excited when I imagined thunderstorms cooling things off a bit, but not so fast…. the prediction goes on to say that despite above-average rainfall, overall temperatures and heat index “will seem unrelenting.” Great….. and can’t say I’m surprised. Every year seems to be a stark reminder that the cushy summer of 2009 I touched on in last year’s Countdown is merely a distant memory that isn’t likely to repeat itself any time soon. Fine. Be that way. Maybe I should move to Oregon. It’s one of the only places on the U.S. map listed as average temperatures in the long-range summer forecast.

Picturing my commute there literally looking something like this…

My A/C machine has been serviced and is ready for another round in the proverbial trenches, with my backup unit still in the box, unopened, resting comfortably in the basement should its services be needed. 111 days as of post time. Thinking of having some t-shirts made. Hmm… what do you think? 🤔

Let’s Play Super Punch-Out!!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA full, no-damage playthrough of the SNES classic “Super Punch-Out!!” featuring commentary and game trivia in 4K/60fps.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


A full, no-damage playthrough of the SNES classic “Super Punch-Out!!” featuring commentary and game trivia in 4K/60fps. While laid up with an injury, laying around doing nothing was driving me crazy, so I hammered out a video. ‘Hope you all enjoy. 🍻


Friday the 13th NES – 15th Anniversary

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHere’s a couple playthroughs showing how to get the torch within mere minutes and chasing 8-bit Jason to every end of the map.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


The channel hits 15 years today, and I thought it’d be fun to revisit the game that started it all for me. Here’s a couple playthroughs showing how to get the torch within mere minutes and chasing 8-bit Jason to every end of the map. Thanks for 15 great years, YouTube! 🥃


Classic D Pad Mod For Nintendo Switch Joycons [GameTraderZero]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteUnboxing and review of a couple sleek, NES-themed joycons with classic D-Pad mod by GameTraderZero. Love these things!

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Unboxing and review of a couple sleek, NES-themed joycons with classic D-Pad mod by GameTraderZero. Love these things!

GameTraderZero Etsy Store:


How to Make Frisch’s Buddie Boy at Home

Reading Time: < 1 minuteEasy DIY recipe for Frisch’s delicious Buddie Boy!


Deli Ham (2 slices)
Swiss Cheese (1 slice)
Roma Tomato
Dill Pickle Slices (Hamburger Chips)
Shredded Lettuce
Mini-Sub Bread

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Easy DIY recipe for Frisch’s delicious Buddie Boy!



Deli Ham (2 slices)
Swiss Cheese (1 slice)
Roma Tomato
Dill Pickle Slices (Hamburger Chips)
Shredded Lettuce
Mini-Sub Bread




Sims 4 Mod – Texas Chain Saw Massacre With Classic Sims TV Audio

Reading Time: 3 minutesClassic Horror TV from the original Sims game is back with this Texas Chain Saw Massacre movie mod for Sims 4! Free download!

Reading Time: 3 minutes



For you old school Sims fans, here’s a mod for Sims 4 using classic audio from the original game released in 2000. Remember those cheesy yet bizarrely hilarious sounds you’d hear when one of your Sims would turn the TV on? They had a certain generic charm to them in spite of being ridiculously over-the-top and cartoony. Several of them were permanently burned into my memory and have lingered about in my subconscious for the better part of 20+ years, especially the ones from the horror channel. I made a little movie mod for The Sims 4 that appropriately replaces “Moonlight Massacre III” and instead treats your Sims to visuals from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre whilst endearing your ears to the sweet sounds of hokey Sims nostalgia. I also stupidly threw in a custom “commercial” that airs about midway through and uses that classic audio as well, if for no other reason than this is what I spend my free time doing when I’m supposed to be taking a break from production.
Read more “Sims 4 Mod – Texas Chain Saw Massacre With Classic Sims TV Audio”

Jason Goes To Hell Full Costume Unboxing

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHappy Friday the 13th! Finally got my new Jason Goes To Hell costume put together! This one took some time, but ended up working out perfectly. Just in time for Jason’s big day.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Happy Friday the 13th! Finally got my new Jason Goes To Hell costume put together! This one took some time, but ended up working out perfectly. Just in time for Jason’s big day. 😈🪓

🚨 See video description (on YouTube) for info/links on costume pieces. 🚨


Super Castlevania IV [SNES] [PLAYTHROUGH] [4K]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMini-Doc and full playthrough with commentary of Super Castlevania IV for the SNES. The swansong of series favorite Simon Belmont in his final outing in the starring role. Full 4K/60fps presentation.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Mini-Doc and full playthrough with commentary of Super Castlevania IV for the SNES. The swansong of series favorite Simon Belmont in his final outing in the starring role. Full 4K/60fps presentation.

‘Been looking forward to doing this follow-up to the classic NES trilogy. Fun, nostalgic way to close out ’22 and enter into the 15th year of the channel. 🥃



00:00 – Intro
01:05 – Game Intro
04:13 – Game Start
05:12 – Stage 01: Ruined Fortress
07:31 – Mr Ed Hed
08:45 – Stage 01 Boss: Rowdain
09:40 – Stage 02: Forest of Evil Spirits
10:28 – Simon’s Too Big?
12:36 – Stage 02 Boss: Medusa
13:18 – About Mode 7
14:17 – Stage 03: Ancient Ruins
14:33 – Simon Trevor?
15:44 – About Masahiro Ueno
22:24 – Stage 04: Outer Keep
22:27 – Castlevania IV on the Sega Genesis?
24:12 – Stage 04 Mini-Boss: Puweyxil
25:43 – Rotating Room
28:14 – Stage 04 Boss: Koranot
29:09 – Stage 05: Castle Court
31:41 – Stage 06: Halls
33:35 – SUPER Castlevania IV Title
34:27 – Hidden Room
35:31 – Cheesy Boss Names
40:52 – Stage 06 Boss: Paula Abghoul & Fred Askare
41:40 – Stage 07: Unliving Quarters
45:39 – Dracula’s Mother?
49:07 – Stage 07 Boss: Sir Grakul
49:55 – Stage 08: Dungeons
51:28 – Is The Game Too Easy?
53:50 – Password System
54:21 – Where Is Hitoshi Akamatsu?
55:54 – Stage 08 Boss: Frankenstein Monster
56:39 – Stage 09: Treasury
1:03:55 – Stage 09 Boss: Zapf Bat
1:05:33 – Stage A: Clock Tower
1:08:17 – Regional Differences
1:10:13 – Stage A Boss: Akmodan II (Mummy)
1:11:22 – Stage B: Castle Keep
1:14:45 – Stage B Mini-Boss: Slogra
1:16:07 – Stage B Mini-Boss: Gaibon
1:16:56 – Stage B Mini-Boss: Death
1:17:35 – DRACULA
1:20:20 – Game Ending
1:22:23 – LK Channel 15th Anniversary

Rekado Payload Injector For Modded Nintendo Switch | Boot From Your Phone

Reading Time: < 1 minuteGet to the bootloader and custom firmware with ease, and also manage the contents of your SD Card with Hekate while connected to your smartphone device.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Here’s a quick look at Rekado; a handy Android payload injector for a modded Nintendo Switch. Get to the bootloader and custom firmware with ease, and also manage the contents of your SD Card with Hekate while connected to your smartphone device.

Data Cable in Video

Lamtoon USB-C to USB-C Data Transfer Cable

Latest versions of:



2ND STEP (if your Switch is UNPATCHED and you accept the risks, etc)

Bela Lugosi Dracula 1:6 Scale Figure Unboxing | Infinite Statue Deluxe Edition

Reading Time: < 1 minuteUnboxing this fabulous figure of Bela Lugosi as Dracula from Infinite Statue. This is the deluxe edition that comes with the polystone coffin. Possibly the best likeness of Bela Lugosi I’ve seen on a figure/statue. Live unboxing followed by review, demo, and photo/video showcase.

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Unboxing this fabulous figure of Bela Lugosi as Dracula from Infinite Statue. This is the deluxe edition that comes with the polystone coffin. Possibly the best likeness of Bela Lugosi I’ve seen on a figure/statue. Live unboxing followed by review, demo, and photo/video showcase. 🦇