Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter upgrading to the HTC Thunderbolt, the Droid Incredible is officially for sale on ebay. I left the root and s-off intact, wiped the hard drive, installed SkyRaider 4.2, and formatted and loaded the included 4GB SD card with a few things. This is being sold as a nice bundle, complete with phone, HTC silicone soft case, Steinheil screen protector, 4GB SD card w/transflash adaptor, battery, extended battery (1800mah), and home charger. The screen is crystal clear without one blemish anywhere on it.
After upgrading to the HTC Thunderbolt, the Droid Incredible is officially for sale on ebay. I left the root and s-off intact, wiped the hard drive, installed SkyRaider 4.2, and formatted and loaded the included 4GB SD card with a few things (SkyRaider 4.2 backup file, multi-touch keyboard, and Evo cam). This is being sold as a nice bundle — complete with phone, HTC silicone soft case, Steinheil screen protector, 4GB SD card w/transflash adaptor, battery, extended battery (1800mah), and home charger. The screen is crystal clear without one blemish anywhere on it.
This is a damn fine smartphone loaded with extra goodies that expand the phone’s capabilities way beyond it’s original OTA limitations. Perfect for anyone looking for a multi-tasking device armed with FREE WiFi Tethering right out of the box.
You can get after it here: LK’s HTC Droid Incredible – SOLD!!!
UPDATE – 10:00pm
Item has sold! Thanks Guys!
Does it come autographed???????
haha, if the buyer requests it — SURE!
I wish I would’ve seen this in time. I’m ready to throw my env touch out the window!
it freezes for me every once in a while then raomldny restarts does send text but all the games are boring except teeter is pretty interesting :] not the best smart phone ever tho and it also calls the same person twice :/ it calls even when im talking to that specific person D: but yea pretty crappy fone at times :/