WWE 2K17 vs Old WWF Games

Reading Time: < 1 minuteVideo games sure have come a long way. As a 30-something-year-old life-long gamer, it’s amazing to sit and observe where technology is, and more importantly, where it came from.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Video games sure have come a long way. As a 30-something-year-old life-long gamer, it’s amazing to sit and observe where technology is, and more importantly, where it came from. Just one instance is the evolution of WWF/WWE video games. Here’s a look at the 30-year history, culminating with the newest entry in the series, WWE 2K17.

Mortal Kombat X Playthrough With Commentary

Reading Time: < 1 minuteI sat down with MKX on opening day. Didn’t take long for things to get NASTY!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Mortal Kombat X came out today! I hit up a midnight release last night and sat down to get a feel for it. This new playthrough w/commentary showcases a couple of the character’s special moves and a few fatalities. Also, we take a quick look at the classic cartridges from the SNES/Genesis/N64 era. Time to get nasty!

WWE All Stars – Cage Glitch

Reading Time: < 1 minuteHere’s how to do the cage glitch in WWE All Stars. Certain high flyers can slip through the cage and cause the action to spill over to the outside floor!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Here’s how to do the cage glitch in WWE All Stars. There seems to be an invisible hole in the cage that certain high flyers can slip through and cause the action to spill over to the outside floor.

UPDATE 4-23-21: I tested this just today and can confirm it still works as of April 2021, a full ten years after the video was posted. Wow….. look at that horrible 480 resolution! This was back in the days of my old Pentium 4 Gateway. By the looks of it, I may have even captured the video by shooting the TV screen directly with a camcorder. 😆