Reading Time: 7 minutesUPDATE July 2014! You can STILL ROOT/UNLOCK! If you’re reading this you probably have a DNA and are looking to root this badboy and take full advantage of what it has to offer. Salute! I will do an overview of the unlock/root process and also show you how to install Flash Player and WiFi Tether.
Hello Droid DNA!
I finally have my Thunderbolt replacement!
Ah, the good ol’ T-Bolt. The out-dated dinosaur aspect didn’t bother me nearly as much as the phone being riddled with problems. Touch screen was on the fritz and most aggravating was the 4G radio having consistent connectivity issues. Didn’t seem to matter how strong my signal was, the phone often times had a mind of it’s own in terms of staying connected to the network. What made it worse was it’s inability to foul over to 3G when the 4G radio decided to tank. Basically, unless I had wifi, I’d be left with no connection until the phone randomly decided to connect to Verizon’s network again. Not fun. I researched the problem and troubleshot it to infinity. No dice. Most feel the Thunderbolt was plagued with problems the moment it launched, and several of those bugs are still rendering multiple users with unresolved issues. I decided to move on.
When the HTC One X went to AT&T and Samsung’s Galaxy S3 didn’t quite sell me, I found myself kinda stuck with the Thunderbolt. I refused to pick a device I didn’t like and sign a new contract, being forced to fall into Big V’s poverty-row tiered data plans. I had just purchased an iPad and needed a reliable device that could tether Verizon’s lightning fast 4G on demand (for free), without fear of exceeding a bandwidth cap. I had heard rumblings that HTC was working on a new, fully loaded flagship device for Verizon. Enter, Droid DNA. Purchased one outright with no contract. Still have unlimited data with Verizon. Score.
Ok, now on to the fun stuff.