Reading Time: < 1minuteWWF Desire My Sacrifice video in HIGH QUALITY!
Reading Time: < 1minute
Here’s a relic from the good ol’ days of rasslin’. Y’know… when Wrestling Was Fun. Much like the Kid Rock: Lonely Road of Faith video, I restored and remastered this video package using the best source material currently available.
If this doesn’t give you the feels… you didn’t live through it.
Reading Time: < 1minuteI took it upon myself to totally recreate this video in HD using the best footage available. I cut the Kid Rock track exactly the same way as WWF’s original ’02 edit.
I was looking for this video recently on the WWE Network, and as expected, when I found it, I realized the Kid Rock song Lonely Road of Faith, had been stripped out with some generic instrumental treatment inserted in it’s place. Talk about pulling the proverbial rug out from under my nostalgic feet. The Kid Rock track totally made this particular video, and was the primary reason it always stuck out in my mind as the best tribute WWF/E ever put together.
Although copies of the original video are still floating around out there on sites like YouTube and Dailymotion, the quality of these old rips are severely lacking. I took it upon myself to totally recreate this video in HD using the best footage available. I cut the Kid Rock track exactly the same way as WWF’s original ’02 edit. Everything is exactly the way you remember it, save for one small, but extremely important alteration. During the final montage of significant WWF Champions, the Ultimate Warrior has been added in the timeline as he should have been in 2002, but was likely omitted due to the on-going heat between he and the company during that time.
Hope you guys enjoy the video. It still gives me goosebumps after watching it three dozen times during the process of this re-creation.