Reading Time: < 1 minuteI sat down with MKX on opening day. Didn’t take long for things to get NASTY!
Mortal Kombat X came out today! I hit up a midnight release last night and sat down to get a feel for it. This new playthrough w/commentary showcases a couple of the character’s special moves and a few fatalities. Also, we take a quick look at the classic cartridges from the SNES/Genesis/N64 era. Time to get nasty!
Thanks a lot Lord, I was on the fence about this game, you helped me make
the decision to buy this game much easier, with this wicked video!
Your reactions to the fatalities were the exact same as mine lol
Top notch play through boss.
d me on PSN if you want so we can play newsurgelive is my PSN ID
surfboard lol