Tatkuink – The Review They Don’t Want You To See

Reading Time: 3 minutes First and foremost, this was the slowest shipping I’ve ever experienced in my life. 44 days from the time I ordered to when the product finally arrived at my doorstep. That’s over 6 weeks.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I recently attempted to post a review to Tatkuink after finally receiving my order after 44 days, only to find that they cherry-pick and approve only the most flattering feedback. I’ll share my story here for anyone looking for a real review versus the typical cheerleading designed to bait you into expecting a perfect product with a flawless experience.

Product review is for the Black Dragon Sword Fire Skull 3D Zippered Hoodie, which as of April 2024 appears to have been discontinued.




Satisfactory, but a few notes…

First and foremost, this was the slowest shipping I’ve ever experienced in my life. 44 days from the time I ordered to when the product finally arrived at my doorstep. That’s over 6 weeks. I’ve ordered things from China that arrived in half that time. And no, that’s not me exaggerating/making up stuff to solidify my point. I have an example from today I can share. I ordered an RCM loader for my Nintendo Switch on December 22, 2021 from a seller in China. It arrived today, January 12, 2022. Less than half the time this Tatkuink order took at only 21 days. Following the tracking for this jacket over the course of time, I was convinced it traversed the Pacific on a sailboat and was transferred to horseback once it reached the western seaboard of the U.S. Days upon days would go by without a tracking update, leaving me feeling like the package had gotten lost. I’ve never seen anything move this slow before. But, it finally made it here, and in good condition, so there’s that.

I figured hoped the quality of the product would fully negate the long wait, but that’s not entirely accurate. The design itself? Fantastic. Looks exactly like the product pics. I love it and I’ve gotten several compliments on it when I wear it out. A couple cons though….. I was surprised to find the interior lining in it is white. This isn’t indicated at all in the product pics, which give the impression it is black throughout. That was a bit of a bummer, but I can deal. Next, this isn’t a winter jacket. Even for a guy like me, a hot-natured person who usually only needs a light jacket even in the coldest winter months…. this thing still leaves me cold due to it’s very poor insulation. A brisk winter breeze chills me to the bone. So, I go to zip the jacket up, and what’s this??? The zipper lever is on the left side? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in my life. Zipping this thing up feels like trying to write with the wrong hand. Very odd and takes some getting used to.

The size seems to be fairly accurate. I ordered a 3X due to my usual shirt size being a 2X, and preferring a little more room in my jackets. I was a little worried that maybe it’d be a bit too big though, and was second-guessing that decision till it got here. But, fortunately this isn’t the case. Good fit that is right in the sweet spot between too snug/too baggy.

Overall, for the price, it was a good purchase. I normally wear solid black jackets and wanted something with a little style and eye candy, and this hits the mark. I wish it was a warmer jacket, but again, price-wise I feel like I got what I paid for. Still, that shipping though. Not happy with that at all. But, if you want something that looks cool and you don’t particularly care when you get it, you’ll likely be satisfied with your purchase.


Now, was that so bad? It’s not like I buried them. I pointed out some things that need improvement and ended with ultimately being satisfied. I submitted this review via their third-party plugin; Judge.me (quite the oxymoron in this case). Someone from Tatkuink replied to me privately and addressed the parts of it that didn’t jive with that happy narrative you’ll see plastered on their site. After 48 hours I noticed my review did not post to their site and I followed up with them to point this out. No response. So again, for anyone wondering what it’s really like to order from these guys, here’s some blunt, honest feedback from a customer who actually does like the product, but felt the need for accountability. I don’t particularly like having my voice silenced, especially after taking the time to write a review that they specifically asked for when the item arrived. While their stuff is cool, there are some holes in their game that people need to be aware of. ‘Hope this helps someone who’ve been intrigued by their Instagram ads and glowing, carefully cherry-picked customer reviews.


