Reading Time: < 1 minuteRan into a working Mortal Kombat II coin-op machine earlier tonight. Easily my favorite of the generation-one series.

Ran into a working Mortal Kombat II coin-op machine earlier tonight. Easily my favorite of the generation-one series. I can hardly believe it’s already been 18 years since this kick-ass game was released. Where does the time go??? Seeing this relic sitting in a local restaurant gave me goosebumps. I left my food on the table and ran right over to it. Hello, old friend!
wow where did you find that at?
18 yrs. Time goes too damn fast
bet you whipped some ass—get over here!!!
Believe it or not — Roosters on Preston. Funny thing is we’ve been there several times and never seen it till last night.
A great find for sure. MKII was one of the greatest fighting games of all time.
holy shit!!!!!!!! that is awesome! i remember playing this game when it was brand new. i was hooked for a couple years straight. classic!!!!
old school! that’s awesome man, brings back some great memories too…
kick ass homage to one of the best fighting games of all time. i dig!
I see Kung Lao on the screen lol
I remember his hat-slice-a-bitch-in-half fatality. Those were the days.