Reading Time: < 1 minuteA work-around has been found to get the no-longer-available DLC wrestlers in WWE All Stars for the PS3. Follow the guide to unlock all 13 characters.

A work-around has been found to get the no-longer-available DLC wrestlers in WWE All Stars for the PS3. Follow the guide to unlock all 13 characters.
The 80029780 error appears to have been resolved. I tested the method again and got the DLC to work using a Hong Kong account.
Moving forward… since there have been intermittent issues lately with the PSN HK servers; follow the method up to the point where you test to see if the DLC is showing up for you under the new HK account. If you see it, try to download the free Honky Tonk Man or free R-Truth add-ons. If they succeed and install, you’re fine to complete the method with the paid add-ons. If the free ones fail and you encounter an error code, STOP. Don’t get the HK$ funds from Play Asia. Check the free add-ons again in a few days to see if the issue goes away.